2020 Anniversaries


Celebrating 2020 Work Anniversaries

At Milhench Supply Company, we are lucky to have an incredible team of employees that are trustworthy, hard-working, loyal, and genuine people. When people begin working here, they often stay for decades. We are so grateful for all the time and effort people put into their careers at Milhench Supply.

In 2020, many incredible people celebrated work milestones that we want to highlight. Thank you for everything you do for our company!

Bill Westgate (Truckdriver and Warehouse Worker) 40 Years

Mark Milhench (Sales) 25 years

Jeremy Pontes (Sales) 25 years

Heike Milhench (President) 20 years

Angie (Customer Service Representative) 15 years

Carlos Alexandre (IT Manager), Jade Madonna (Operations and IT) and Scott Arruda (Warehouse Manager) 12 years

Sean Silva (Warehouse Worker and Receiving) 10 years

Chad Richards (Sales) 5 years