Summer Is Here, School Is Out….Time For TLC!

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Summer is here, and school is out!  Now is a good time to get your floor care equipment cleaned, maintained and repaired.  Does your floor scrubber, sweeper, vacuum or burnisher need a little TLC?  Call Milhench Supply Company and schedule an appointment today!  Our equipment repair departments located in New Bedford and Medford are happy to help you!

Please call our customer service team at 508-995-8331 and schedule a pick-up of your machine today!

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Also, ask about our Preventative Maintenance Plan options that can be tailored to your equipment fleet and help keep your janitorial equipment running at its best.

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Milhench Supply carries a wide range of products and solutions to help you keep your business moving and improving! We serve Boston and the surrounding suburbs, the North Shore, Southern New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Southeastern Massachusetts, Worcester, Cape Cod, the Islands, and everywhere in between.
